Mary Kay Smith

Questions we asked:
How were you introduced to CrossFit:
I was introduced to CrossFit by my daughter, Meghan.
If you never had to do this one exercise eve again, it would be
If I never had to run again it definitely wouldn’t hurt my feelings…Lol but we know that’s never going to happen.
If you had to makeup your own WOD it would be
I would probably do a partner WOD and have weights, not sure about what movements though.
Tell us a little about yourself (family, hobbies, job etc)
I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 30 years, well almost. We have 2 kids, Meghan and Spud… and we have 5 grand babies, 4 boys and 1 girl.
Your proudest accomplishment
My proudest accomplishment I would have to say is raising my kids to be who and what they do. I am very proud for both of them.
My favorite cheat meal
My favorite cheat meal I would have to say is Charlies Mexican pizza and tacos. And of course a Margarita.
What I love about 3 Peaks CrossFit
I love the friendships I have made at 3 Peaks. And most of all I love how much support everybody shows toward each other.
Something we might not know about you is
I’m not a huge people person. I love to be at home. And I HATE spiders. LOL!