The start of my breakthrough.
A mom of 3 young kiddos, low self esteem, with a hope to be healthy but I had not a clue on how to get there.
I was discouraged easily, impatient with myself and had no real clue on how to move safely with workouts.
I would do “videos” at home and my knees would kill me, which would frustrate me, and cause me to just quit. That was my cycle. And I couldn’t seem to breakthrough it or see a light at the end of the tunnel.
With a big move in our life, moving back “home”, to Oregon, I was incredibly depressed and gained way to much weight. My husband joined a local gym and started getting back to his workouts but I didn’t, I just kept up my pattern of hopelessness.
It became increasingly obvious as I looked at myself, that I was out of control, (literally, since I really didn’t want to move back to Oregon, and also with my habits). As I looked at my little kiddos, and all the “preaching” we did about not eating sugar, and eating their veggies, eventually conviction made its way.
What was I doing to myself, what kind of role model was I do our kids? As my hubs went on a week long business trip, I ended up driving to the local gym to tan, thinking that may help me feel better.
Needless to say, I did tan that day, but I also left that gym with a Personal Training package, and a gym membership. When I called my hubs and told him he was so proud, chuckled a bit, and told me he supported me. I had zero clue how to exercise and during my time with this personal trainer, I gained some great momentum, (not just in my results but in my desire for more)

I trained hard, learned a ton, and months later was in the greatest shape of my life to that point, mentally and physically.
The huge blessing was I became a better mom, a better wife, more clear headed and had focus, passion and wanted others to feel the same.
Not because of what I had done or accomplished, but because fitness made me feel so much better. Working through my weaknesses helped me build confidence. So I decided to pursue becoming a coach/personal trainer. I fell in love with helping others, teaching them how to move, giving them hope, and pushing them to never give up.
Business is my background, and what I love. With this new found passion of fitness and what it was doing for me, mixing the two seemed like a natural fit. Opening a CrossFit Affiliate was the perfect fit for my husband and I as we didn’t want people to be “just a number” as in a traditional gym where nobody knows or cares for that matter, if you’ve gone or not. In our gym, we consider each member, family, and when family isn’t there, we check in, reset goals, and get back on track. We celebrate successes, breakthrough frustrations, and do life together.
Everyday when I get up, I’m so extremely thankful for the opportunity we are given to change lives and families. Almost 12 years later, it is one of the most satisfying jobs on the planet, to see people gain strength, confidence, gain breakthroughs, and more hope than they ever thought possible. I’m honored to be called Coach, I look forward to seeing our members reach their goals, inspire others, and change generations, mind, body & spirit.
~Coach Mel