Questions we asked:
1. How were you introduced to CrossFit?
My husband, Ian, started doing it 11 months before I signed up. He was getting stronger and felt great. And looked amazing. He loved it and I finally decided to give it a try.
2. If you never had to do this one exercise ever again, it would be? I’d have to say clusters since it’s like doing my two least favorite movements in one – thrusters and squat cleans.
3. If you had to make up your own wod it would be? An AMRAP with running, push jerks and back squats. Followed by a ROMWOD.
4. Tell us a little about yourself, families, hobbies, job etc. I work from home as a natural living blogger and freelance designer/online marketing support specialist. I’m a student herbalist and love creating remedies that I sell in my online shop. Ian and I have four kids and one dog, all of which are adorable and loud. My hobbies include working (says Ian), CrossFit (I’m addicted), adding lavender to food and obsessively checking the 3 peaks website after 9 pm to see what the next day’s WOD is.
5. Your proudest accomplishment: I’ve written a few books that people actually liked and helped them make the changes they wanted.
6. Your favorite cheat meal? I have no idea what you’re talking about … But should anyone want to bring me mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce, I would happily eat them.
7. What you love about 3 peaks CrossFit? The community is the best aspect. Everyone is super encouraging and I love getting to workout in that atmosphere. I also love the variety. One of my biggest struggles before starting CrossFit was either not knowing what to do or getting bored. I love that all I have to do is show up and do what’s on the board and that it’s different every day.
8. Something we might not know about you is? After five years I was finally able to talk my husband into moving our family into a Skoolie (renovated school bus). We lived in it for a year and nobody died or went crazy (yay!). Pics here:http://shalommama.com/our-bus.