Our October Athlete Highlight IS….
Rudy Loredo!
Huge congratulations to Rudy! His energy and enthusiasm for working out, encouraging his fellow box mates and pushing hard is contagious! We are so thrilled to have you at 3 Peaks Rudy! Here are some questions we asked Rudy!
- How were you introduced to CrossFit?
My wife has pestered me for he last few years to try CrossFit as it’s something new, so I did.
2. If you never had to do this one exercise ever again, it would be…
OHS cause my butt is scared
3. If you had to make up your own wod it would be?
6 rounds for time 10 burpees 10 pull-ups 400m
4. Tell us a little about yourself, families, hobbies, job etc.
I’ve been married to my wife for 15 years we have 2 children who also enjoy CrossFit, as a family we love to explore new places and get lost to find new things on purpose. Family is the most important thing to me. I am a combat army veteran who is retired now and I spend my time on field trips and helping in the classroom as often as I can.
5. Your proudest accomplishment?
Being able to serve in the army, my parents were immigrants and my siblings and I have had great opportunities here and I wanted to give back.
6. Your favorite cheat meal?
Eating out at a nice restaurant, a great beer or bottle of wine with some chocolate.
7. What you love about 3 Peaks CrossFit?
I love that it’s always something different and I always get a great sweat on. The comradery and safety, I never feel like I’m pushed beyond my limits or what’s safe.
8. Something we might not know about you is?
I’m not stuck up I’m just def in my left ear and I refuse to wear my hearing aid because I’m not that old.