We are pleased to announce that Ashlyn Etter is our November Student Athlete of the Month. Ash has a long history with 3 Peaks CrossFit and was one of our founding members. Ashlyn always works hard, has a great attitude and is so much fun to have in class.
Here’s some more about her:
1. How were you introduced to CrossFit?
I’ve known Claude and Mel since I was young as Claude’s sister Rachel has been my best friend since junior high.
I had Mel make my son a birthday cake in November 2013 and she told me they were going to be our new neighbors (as my families business is Shielding and we are right next door). Once I heard crossfit I said well I could never do that at my fitness level and Claude said yes you could, anyone could do it. I’ll never forgot his words.
I signed up in January 2014 and was one of the founding members.
2. If you never had to do this one exercise ever again, it would be..
Those Turkish get-ee-ups Drive my crazy and Manmakers….
3. If you had to make up your own WOD it would be …
500m Row
15 Sit-ups
10 Deadlifts
5 Clean & Jerks
4. Tell us a little about yourself, families, hobbies, job etc.
I was born and raised in Madras, met Paul at Clackamas Comm.College as we were both throwers and have been married 14 years. We have two boys; Brock is 9 and Berick is 6.
Paul and I have worked for the family business, Shielding for the last 12 years. Shielding manufactures x-ray apparel and airport security. We have about 25 employees and manage everything from the financials to the final product going out the door.
5. Your proudest accomplishment?
Being a good mom/wife. Knowing my boys will grow up to be great men.
6. Your favorite cheat meal/food?
Man I am such a foodie. My favorite is Thai & Sushi – I’m the girl that orders her Thai with 5 stars. The spicer the better.
7. What you love about 3 Peaks CrossFit?
The lifelong friendships I have made. I’m so thankful for all of the great coaches and people who have always encouraged and been there for me. Crossfit is my daily therapy; mind, body & spirit.
8. What’s something we might not know about you?
I love watching professional sports; NBA and NFL. Growing up my dad would take me to Blazer games and we would sit in the highest seats at Memorial Coliseum. For about 10 years we owned court-side seats right behind the blazer bench. My sisters and I have some great memories going to those games and cheering on RIP CITY!