Wednesday December 19, 2018, will forever remain a day I will never forget.
To date, this is one of the most difficult blog posts I’ve had to write. As usual, it will be raw and real.
I received word that our youngest member, 13 years old, Cora Schryver committed suicide. Friends there’s no easy way to share this, and I have no words for the heartbreak that her parents, siblings, family, and our community are experiencing. This has rocked us all to the core.
As CrossFit affiliate owners and coaches, we strive every day to help people become better. To help them achieve their goals and believe in themselves on the good days and the not so good days.
We are life changers, and are called to start fires in the hearts of people we help to live healthy lives and go out into the world to make a difference as well. We truly want to help people.
I can tell you without a doubt, we never saw this coming. None of us. We’re completely broadsided with shock, disbelief and grief. We missed it folks. We all missed it.
I can still hear her voice that Tuesday evening at 4:52 pm asking me if I had a “Good workout Coach?”. I wasn’t talking to a 13 year old young girl. Cora was mature, and connected with everyone she met so well.
She was so brave, so full of life, and enthusiasm. She never quit. I’m telling you the girl had “go” in her and would always strive to give 110%. I laugh because our Coaches would share all the time how she’d finish her WOD, completely done, blasted, and still somehow recover and then get up and do handstand walks or muscle ups, or whatever crazy gymnastic thing she came up with.
There was NOTHING stopping her. Nothing.
She had plans, had goals, and was driven. She was getting ready for wrestling season, and had a successful football season! Like I said the girl wasn’t afraid. Yet some how we missed it. We missed a pain, a hurt, way down deep.
Cora carried the Spirit of 3 Peaks.
She truly did. She cared so much about helping others, encouraging others, and never giving up. She worked so hard, never complained and always had the try attitude. I’m truly honored to have known her, and been so ins
pired by her. My life will forever be changed. The lives of our coaches and members will forever be changed. We had no clue.
We will for ever remember Cora as the amazing young athlete, and kindhearted soul that she was. We want her remembered for who she was in the box.
This memorial workout “Cora” was created in part by our sweet girl herself. She was our September Student Athlete last year and I know she would have kicked all of our butts with this one. I will do this for her.
Box Jumps
3 Handstand Pushups Between Each Round
We are absolutely so blown away by the love and support that the CrossFit community has shown. Affiliates from all over the country and world are doing this workout tomorrow in Cora’s honor. That my friends is the spirit of CrossFit. I don’t know really any of this owners or affiliates, yet, they’re partnering with us for her. I’m in awe and so honored.
So what’s next?
Well here’s what I know. I’m no counselor. However, I know, we can do a better job at showing people they are valued, needed, and loved. Instead of asking people how they’re doing, we need to start LISTENING to them, truly listening and digging just a little more. We can do more friends. I can do more.
Pain and heartache are always going to come, it’s life. But, we can do a better job at showing others they DO matter. We, as leaders, any individual actually, we truly need to work on changing a mindset and a culture that hides, that doesn’t want to be transparent, or vulnerable.
People need to know it’s ok to not be ok, and that we still care and love them. That there is hope and they have value. But what so many see is the “pretty” stuff that others want you to see, not the real and raw, for fear of judgement, and rejection.
I want to challenge you all be real, be raw, be vulnerable to others to become aware on suicide prevention and signs.
Find a local prevention center like a Best Care and learn what the warning signs are. If you own a business, you should send your staff. We need to understand, we need to do more, we need to take action. If not us then who?
We may not be able to bring her back, but I promise you, we can get up and do something. We can learn, we can listen, we can stop being so afraid to be real. What on earth would happen if we all actually just took action. If we all just got real, and took extra time with people truly building relationships. That’s the spirit of CrossFit. Community.
At 3 Peaks, we’re setting up scholorships for local high schools to uplift kids, to bring life and hope to our youth. We’re also going to work with many key people to do a suicide awareness walk/run to Central Oregon to bring awareness and life back to people in this community. We are taking action. And I challenge you to as well.
Our hearts are broken, there are no words, and we feel helpless. But what I do know to be true, is our CrossFit community is strong, supports each other, and can impact so many. Together, I believe we can truly make a difference in the lives of others.
Much Love & Hope
I couldn’t be at my box tomorrow so I went in today and did it by myself. My box coaches had notified us all yesterday that we were scheduled to do Cora’s WOD. Our box, The Pack Crossfit in Twin Falls Idaho, was also touched by suicide a few years ago. One of our coaches, Coach Andy, also took his life righ before Christmas. None of us saw it either. It was especially hard for me, because not only was he my evening coach, I was the on call Crime lab evidence tech that was called out. While my team tried to send me home, I declined. I couldn’t help him prior to this episode apparently, so the least I could do was take care of him at this time so someone who knew him would be with him and ensure he was given the care and dignity he deserved. My heart is broken for all of the crossfit family and her biological family. Please, all of you take care of each other.
Wow! I’m so sorry your Box experienced this as well. It’s so heartbreaking. I truly appreciate you sharing. Thank you for honoring our girl today. ❤️
I’ve been extremely touched by this story as I have a son around the same age.
The CrossFit Evexia Crew on the Gold Coast in Australia will be working hard in honor of Cora and all she touched.
Thank you so much for for sharing this story. I didn’t know Cora but this truth has already changed how I interact with my family, friends, students, and athletes I work with. Lots of love from Richland, Wa.
Thanks so much.
CrossFit Cerberus is doing this with you.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am grateful she got to feel love and moments of happiness at 3 Peaks CrossFit.
Thank you for opening your heart for everyone involved.
So thankful for your support.
Thank you for this tribute. I only met Cora a few times as a tiny kid who was the apple of her family’s eye. Her dad was a witness at our wedding more than 40 years ago. I’m not a cross fitter, so I’m going to do this on Sunday at My Fitness studio, with modifications. The WOD sounds hard but I’m determined to honor Cora by pushing as hard as I can.
Thank you for honoring her❤️
Thank you for all you did for my wonderful Cora Mae, she loved coming to your gym and loved all the people there.
We will be doing this workout at CrossFit Yield here in the UK as a you go I go pairs workout this Saturday (19th Jan) in remembrance.
We are an incredibly family orientated box with lots of parents with kids and this has touched a lot of us.
Love goes to the community and family of Cora.
This is so beautifully written. What a bright soul she was. Thank you for giving us a healthy outlet and workout to remember and honor her struggle and joy with. Blessings
I am one of the owners of Crossfit Upshot in Denham Springs, Louisiana. We programmed this as today’s WOD for our athletes. We are all deeply touched by Cora’s story. Thank you for sharing it with us. We’ll continue to pray for her family, friends, and all those affected by suicide.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Cora. I am at a Crossfit in central Texas and do not know the people involved, but this story touches me and inspires me. I can understand the pain her family and loved ones are going through as I lost my older son just 3 months ago, Nothing can alleviate the pain, but finding a purpose in the tragedy carries on the legacy of the person loved and lost. I admire what you are doing to honor her in your community. My thoughts are with you all and I hope with time you may all find peace.
Sending you guys thoughts and prayers from Bear Mountain CrossFit. We’re so sorry for your loss and can see how loved she was in your community.
As CF communities it’s so clear how much our athletes become part of our tribe and how much each person is a piece of our crazy family. Thank you for sharing your story and your message, and know that we’ll keep Cora in our thoughts.
32:01 minutes with 20lb vest kipping pull-ups, 24 inch box for jumps and strict handstand push-ups male age 44. Member of JH CrossFit in mobile alabama
I did Cora’s workout this morning at CrossFit Credence in Rochester, MN. I didn’t know anything about her but looked her up just now. She looks like she was a lovely girl, full of potential. It is heartbreaking to see someone so young and with so much potential take her own life. I really enjoyed the workout and wanted to let you know that I did it and am glad that you created one for her. Thank you. My prayers are with her family, friends and community. I’m very sorry for your loss.
CrossFit Good Fortune in Niantic, CT will proudly do this in Cora’s honor. Our most sincere condolences to her family, friends, coaches, and CrossFit community.
We were heartbroken when we heard about Cora. We know 1st hand what it’s like losing one of your own. We were honored to do Cora’s hero WOD today…most of us in our converse shoes. Much love from Cold Storage Crossfit, Hollister, CA.
Pingback: WOD for Cora – CrossFit Waterloo
Blended Athletics Crossfit will be doing this WOD tomorrow in honour of Cora. We have posted this blog to our main page and will remind our members the importance of having these kinds of tough conversations with with the ones they love. Sending all of our love, support and thoughts to the family and friends of this beautiful young girl.
We worked out at our gym for Cora today… I didn’t know her but want for her parents to know she is being honored today for her spirit, life and joy it looks like she brought to those around her. Today was for Cora.